Friday, January 21, 2011

Fantasia (1940)

I'm digging the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Mickey getting into trouble reminds me of Pippin getting into the fireworks or the stealing the palantír (seeing stone.) Like Pippin, the apprentice has curiosity with magic, but an inability to control it himself. At the end, when the sorcerer saves the day, you can almost imagine him saying, "You fool of a Took!" It made me wonder if it had any impact on Tolkien's writings, which were between 1937 and 1949-- or if this dynamic can be found in older mythical writings? I'll ask my friend Laura tonight.

a moment of enjoyment:

naked mermaids? or.... naked centaurs?

We all agreed that this may be our new Christmas film-- watching fairies bring dew drops and frost to the land over the nutcracker soundtrack was just delightful. I look forward to hearing bridget's post on that part.

this film is hands down gorgeous.

In my room.


  1. Oh my goodness! I can't believe you are doing this. Andrew and I tried to do it before our 2007 trip to Disney World but only made it up to Aladdin. Are you just watching the animated movies? Good luck! "It's all so magical."

  2. i think we're going to move even beyond the animated movies, which.. is... so... many.... but we may decide as we go...
