Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Although we've talken a little break, I had to share this with you...

The Geography of many Disney films.


  1. When the Disney renaissance kicked off wit Little Mermaid, I had a perusal theory that they were gonna do every content.
    Alladin: Asia
    Beauty & the Beast: Europe
    Lion King: Africa
    Pocahontas: North America
    and I sort of counted Little Mermaid as possible Central/South America because of its Caribbean flair.
    I didn't usually count Rescuers Down Under because it seemed like a different category, but that covered Australia for sure.
    Then Hunchback of Notre Dame screwed it up by not being set in Antarctica so I had to admit defeat.

  2. spelling corrections for the above comment thanks to autocomplete ARGH
    "kicked off with"
    "personal theory"
    "every continent"
